Friday, January 5, 2007

my first time

how lovely to have a daughter who introduces you to the art of blogging. So easy and so fascinating at the same time. always wanted to talk to the crowds not only to the circle of like-us-friends. may be no one will read it and may be many and may be only one person might be touched by something i write. how exciting. I have been writing for years on the computer for myself mainly, thoughts and ideas about life in general . and now saying it in the open. not thinking about the reactions of the people reading it. having it both ways the crowd and the anonymity. great.
last night at around 2am while struggling through a mass of paperwork related to my work i decided to write to my children some lessons i learned on the way . while reading that my daugter said "you have to write it on a blog " and so with the energy i like so much in her she took me to the computer and opened this blog for me.
so here is what i wrote to her last night: